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This service is aimed at organizing the process of collecting signatures of controlling bodies, in order to check the material and academic debts of the student / graduate.

Step-by-step actions:

To complete a workaround, you must:

Obtain a blank checklist form. The options for obtaining a workaround are as follows:
Receive a form from the Registrar Office
The following fields should be filled in the form: Name, status (graduate / trainee), course of study, specialty, faculty.
Then you need to get visas on the list of persons / departments listed on the form, namely:
Head of the department;
The dean;
The commandant of the hostel;
Passport Office;
Library: you must pass a library card;
Situational department: it is necessary to pass an electronic pass of the student;
Military-mobilization department (for boys).
After successful receipt of signatures from all persons / departments indicated in the work-sheet, it is necessary to hand over a work-sheet to the Office-Registrar together with a package of necessary documents (student card, record book).

Get the package of documents:
private bussiness;
For graduates - an attachment to the diploma;
For those who are being expelled - an academic certificate.
Package of required documents:

record book;
student ID;
Electronic pass;
library card.

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